速報APP / 生產應用 / SMS Pro.

SMS Pro.



檔案大小:25.9 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 10.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


SMS Pro.(圖1)-速報App

SMS Pro. is a mobile application that allows you to maintain customer contact information, bids/quotes, Invoices, and communication with your customers. SMS Pro. also includes a scheduling calendar for optimized customer interactions, follow up appointments, and work scheduling. Collect customer signatures on the spot and streamline your workflow.

SMS Pro.(圖2)-速報App

Current Features:

SMS Pro.(圖3)-速報App

Customers: Save, search, and edit customer information and quickly send emails, make phone calls, and navigate to the customer’s address. Automatically send quotes and invoices at the push of a button.

SMS Pro.(圖4)-速報App

Bids/Quotes/Invoices: Create line items with prices detailed descriptions, and pictures. SMS Pro.automatically calculates Tax + totals and allows you to send emails with PDF attachments of your Bids/Quotes/Invoices to your client.

SMS Pro.(圖5)-速報App

Appointments: Schedule appointments with new customers and track your appointments in the SMS Pro. calendar.

SMS Pro.(圖6)-速報App

Follow Up Appointments: Create one time or recurring appointments to maintain strong customer relationships and repetitious work.

SMS Pro.(圖7)-速報App

Calendar: Keep track of scheduled appointments, follow ups, and work with the SMS Pro. calendar.

SMS Pro.(圖8)-速報App

Term of Use: https://arborapp.org/termsandconditions_ios.html

支援平台:iPhone, iPad